This is the fifth letter to my congressman this month. I could probably write him every day since the President seems to come up with new horrifying and illegal things to do every day. If I ever get a response from said congressman, I’ll let you all know. No responses yet.
Jan 27, 2025
Dear Representative Huizenga,
Over the weekend President Trump illegally fired 18 Inspectors General. Presumably, he has done this so he can either replace them with his own loyalists who will overlook his own corruption or leave the positions empty for the same effect. This is just one of many times he has overstepped his Presidential powers in his first week (for example, issuing an executive order that attempted to overrule the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution). How can you support a President who will not follow the law or follow his oath to defend the constitution? We’re one week in and he has already shown he has no intention of doing either.
In a government of checks and balances such as ours, it is the role of Congress to hold the President accountable, as you know. What steps are you taking to make sure the President obeys the law?
Rev. Kenneth Arthur