Two more letters today…
Jan 24, 2025
Dear Representative Huizenga,
I was glad to read in your newsletter today that you believe we should “create a culture that respects and values life.” However, I’m a little confused because in your newsletter you also praise President Trump’s policies with regard to immigrants. Those policies do not respect and value the life of immigrants. So if you are serious I hope you will be watching ICE and the President to make sure legal immigrants are not arrested, harassed, and deported and that all those who are arrested receive due process and legal review of their case in front of a judge, as they deserve. Also, immigrants who have already been legally approved should not be prevented from entering the country.
Not all immigrants are criminals and it is reprehensible that so many people are being tainted with that label in order to justify a made-up “border emergency.”
Because respecting and valuing life is a priority for you, may I also recommend that this can be demonstrated by championing education, social security, universal health care, and many other life-giving programs.
Rev. Kenneth Arthur
Jan 24, 2025
Dear Representative Huizenga,
I was dismayed to read in your newsletter that you seem to support continuing tax cuts for billionaires, otherwise known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. In a previous newsletter you talked about financial responsibility and cutting spending. If that is necessary, than how is cutting taxes for the rich, who can actually afford to pay taxes, a responsible act? It’s been proven that so called trickle-down economics doesn’t work so it can’t be as an economic incentive. If you look at the historical record, during our country’s most prosperous times, the top tax rates on the ultra-rich were 70% or more. Continuing to prop up the immense wage gap in our nation between the wealthy and the poor is only going to lead to disaster for us in the future.
Rev. Kenneth Arthur