News Sources

Where to get our news:

These are people and organizations I believe to be reliable, but please vet them for yourself as well. I’d certainly want to know if you find any of them problematic and why. They are not listed in any kind of priority or ranking and they are most certainly not complete. I’ve also listed large news organizations that seem compromised either because they are only propaganda for the Fascist Oligarchy or they have tempered coverage to curry favor / avoid retribution. Stay strong!

News OrganizationsPeople / CommentaryCompromised News Organizations
Democracy NowRobert Reich, former Secretary of Labor (newsletter)Fox News (source1 and source2)
The GuardianDan Rather, retired journalist (Steady newsletter)ABC News (source)
NPRSusan Thistlethwaite, retired professor of religion (newsletter)Washington Post (source1 and source2)
Meidas Touch NetworkKatelyn Jetelina, Ph.D., provides public health information (Your Local Epidemiologist)
Mother JonesHeather Cox Richardson (Letters from an American)
The Intercept

Evaluating news sources:

Here are some resources that looked interesting and might help evaluate the reliability of news sources. I listed a couple of library guides but these were picked mostly at random. An internet search will reveal that many university librarires have created similar guides.