I can’t believe it is the second half of July already. I’ll soon be back in classes! I’m looking forward to it. I’m already starting to worry about what happens after school, though, because I really have no clue.
I had big plans for this summer. No job, but I was going to “improve myself.” Mixed results so far
I was going to work through “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron to improve my creativity. I’m still working on it, but I’m not being very dedicated to it. I have, for the most part, kept up with one of the exercises recommended in the book, “morning pages.” Basically, you take time each morning to write out whatever comes to mind, filling 2-3 pages of a notebook each day. You don’t write about anything particular, just write. It’s interesting to see where it leads sometimes.
I was also going to write some poetry. Nothing so far, but I did buy a book of poetry and have enjoyed reading some poems.
I was also going to learn a new programming language to keep up on my computer skills. Not sure I’ll get to this one although it would theoretically be nice to say I’m doing something with computers in case I need to look for a computer job after school is out in the spring.
I have kept up on an exercise program and I’m very happy with that.
I’ve also got some other writing I want to get to. And I’ve finally gotten out and golfed a few times. But, mostly, I’m wondering where the summer has gone…
One of my classes in the spring rekindled an old interest in photography so I spent some money on a new camera. Now I have to learn to use it.
I’ve got a list of things I want to do, actually. I think that’s part of the problem. I get so many things on my list, I don’t know where to start.
Got to see an old friend who was in town last week. I enjoyed that immensely and am looking forward to visiting him and his partner next month when I go on vacation.
I’m also talking with a seminary friend about starting a journal to provide a resource for religious leaders working with the LGBTQ community. I think it might happen so I’ll probably write more on it later. Could be a lot of fun as well as a valuable tool if it takes off.
That’s about it for now. What will the second half of the summer hold?