So, I don’t want to do resolutions but I do have some goals that I’ve made to begin this new year.

I want to write more. I’m currently looking at putting together some poems in a new printed collection. They don’t sell but I decided it’s not about that. I just like being able to pull a book off the shelf and read my poems. It’s kind of about romanticizing books, I guess. I suppose it’s a little of a vanity thing too. So even if I’m just doing it for myself, I’m going to keep putting my poems in self-published collections. At least for now. I’m also posting my poetry at Another project will be to explore writing another book on spirituality. I have some fiction ideas as well but I’m not sure when or if I’ll get to those.

I also want to read more. I’m going to track my reading on where I re-set my “shelves” for a fresh start in 2023. I plan to write a short review of each book I finish this year as well. If you want to see what I’m reading visit

A third goal is to dive deeper into spiritual practices. That connects to the book project I’m thinking about. Maybe I’ll blog more about that as I go along.

I’m sure I will also try to keep up with my main hobbies: working on my family tree and playing more golf this summer. One problem is my list of things I want to work on is kind of long. Often that means I skip around or I just don’t do anything because I can’t decide what I want to work on first. But if I can set better priorities and stick to them it could end up being a productive year.